Nick’s Story

Good Dog Club was inspired by a kiwi bloke’s simple dream of helping animals in need. During my travels in Asia it was clear that the street dogs are in serious need of help. From severe skin conditions to near dying on the street, I felt helpless to do anything about it.
It wasn’t until I found out about some animal welfare centres and the amazing work they do that I knew this was how I could contribute.
Why Vietnam?
After spending two and half months travelling in Vietnam, it was safe to say they had some of the worst affected dogs I had come across.
My good friend was volunteering for Paws for Compassion at the time and I got to understand the reality of the situation… The dogs there face being abandoned in trash bags, disabled by motorbikes, and simply neglected due to a lack of education about animal welfare. Worst of all, countless pets are still being poisoned or stolen for meat. It was a struggle to come to terms with how real this trade is, while still loving and appreciating the people and culture of Vietnam so much!
Paws for Compassion
Luckily there are some incredible people working their tails off at Paws for Compassion to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home animals in need.
They work closely with local rescue groups, run free spay and neuter programs to manage overpopulation, save animals from becoming victims of the cruel cat and dog meat trade, and educate the local community on animal welfare. They are working hard to create lasting change. In the past year, PFC has grown from a few people to over 40 volunteers and upgraded their space to take in more animals and run educational events.
Your purchase helps contribute to lasting change and happy lives for the good pups in Vietnam!